Wasim Tamboli


B.E. in Computer Science, Pune University

Python Developer, Geospoc

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I have done my graduation in Computer Science from Savitribai Phule Pune University. Since the start of my engineering degree studies I have been constantly learning and developing my skills to deal with flow, layout, problem definition of software, and learning New technologies which are flooding the market to develop a consumer application. I have plenty of hands on experience of the technical attributes mentioned in my resume and I have full understanding of the software development life-cycle from initial stage of requirement gathering to testing and maintenance.

I have technical expertise with experience of 4+ years includes cross-platform proficiency (Windows, Linux); fluency in scripting / programming languages (including Python, Javascript), have hands-on experience in the web development framework such as Django with HTML ,CSS, Bootstrap and also used PostgreSQL for database, worked on Django Rest Framework / Flask and GraphQL for creating REST API’s, worked on pandas, numpy for data extraction and manipulation. Professional knowledge of developer applications, tools, methodologies and best practices (including OOD, client/server architecture).


Programming: Python, JavaScript, Git, Bash, PostgreSQL

Frameworks: Django, Flask, FastAPI

Cloud Computing: AWS (S3, EC2, CloudFormation, lambda)

Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, gdal, matplotlib, SQLAlchemy

Technical Knowledge: Web Development, Rest API’s, AWS, Analytical Skills


uni logos

Pune University, India

B.E. - Computer Science (Honors: First Class), May 2016

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, India

Dip. - Computer Science (Honors: First Class), May 2013


experience logos

Python Developer GeoSpoc Geospatial Services Pvt. Ltd, Oct 2019 – Present

Software Developer Tellme Digiinfotech Pvt. Ltd (Promoted by Indiacom Pvt. Ltd.), Jul 2018 – Oct 2019

Associate Data Analyst Selling Simplified Pvt Ltd, Mar 2017 – Apr 2018

Software Developer – GabZil Tech Pvt. Ltd, Jun 2016 – Nov 2016


Google Scholar

A) Vision of Future: Augmented Reality Vision via Augmented Web

R Bhardwaj, V Bheed, P Bhide, W Tamboli, A Momin, (2015). On Vision of Future: Augmented Reality Vision via Augmented Web in IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development Vol. 3, Issue 09, 2015 ISSN (online): 2321-0613. PDF

B) Vision of Future: Augmented Reality Vision

R Bhardwaj, V Bheed, P Bhide, W Tamboli, A Momin, (2015). Vision of Future: Augmented Reality Vision on IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development Vol. 3, Issue 08, 2015 ISSN (online): 2321-0613. PDF

Professional Development


Department of Computer Science, Anual Challenge, 2015
Award for best poster among 20+ candidates

Advanced Communicator Bronze, Inter-collage Paper Presentation, 2012
Awards for completing 10 public speaking assignments on latest topics

Silver Medal, Pune, 2010
Award for Drawing Traffic Awareness Poster


Young Professionals Committee - Society of Computer Science, Computer Science Dept. 2014 - 2015
Organized quarterly Distinguished Guest Lecture Programs, conducted outreach activities to raise awareness about latest technologies

Vice President, Society of Computer Science Student Chapter, 2014 – 2015
Organized college-level conference by raising funds and received the Silver Standard award for exceptional work

Editor, Society of Computer Science Student Chapter, 2013 – 2015
Enabled design and publication of annual departmental magazine by assembling competent team, delegating work, filtering and editing of submitted articles while meeting editorial deadlines


I’m currently looking for python developer opportunities or freelance projects.
If you would like to discuss a project or employment opportunities, please do not hesitate to get in touch.